10 New Year Resolutions for Small Business Owners – Part 2
Small business owners have a lot on their plates. Often times the planning and prioritising of certain tasks will fall onto the backburner. However, in today’s economic circumstances it is essential to cover as much ground as possible. The upside though, is you don’t have to manage it all on your own. Delegate what you can to other members of your team or consider outsourcing.
Click here to read Part 1 of this article.
6. Join a cause
If there is one thing Covid-19 has taught every individual and every company it is that we are all stronger together. Do something good for the local community. Join and support a worthy cause.
7. Communicate like a Master
Good communication is effective in every human relationship, especially at work, where it helps to lighten loads and streamline tasks. Yes, it may take an extra fifteen minutes to brief someone properly, however, the end results and the elimination of confusion will be well worth it.
8. List on online business directories
There are many valuable online business directories, and it is a good idea to list your business on as many as you deem will benefit you. The more places poten tial customers can have of finding your products or services, the more awareness and potential sales it could generate. Where to list? Google My Business, Yellow Pages and Yelp are our favourites.
9. Take it easy
Small business owners generally find it hard to switch off because there is always so much to do. As the leader of a small pack the onus falls on you to make sure it gets done. Nonetheless, taking time off work is crucial for your mental and physical health. If you can’t see yourself leaving the office for days on end, then start off small. Try taking a Friday afternoon off here and there and buildup to actually taking the whole day off. You can then pre-book these mini–holiday days ahead of time and force yourself to take them.
10. Stick to your Resolutions
New Year’s Resolutions have a bad reputation. People make them, simply to break them shortly thereafter. Don’t let this happen to the good intentions you have for your business in 2021.
Here are some tips to assist in keeping your New Year Resolutions:
• Less is more: Choose the 3-5 most valuable resolutions and only once you have them under control, try actioning more.
• Delegate: Put a staff member in charge of the tasks you do not have time for. Obtain weekly or monthly feedback on its progress.
• Outsource: Get an outside business, freelancer or consultant to manage a task or two.
• Make it a habit: Like most other resolutions, your business resolutions need to become a habit. Make time every week to do something towards each resolution.
• Focus on the endgame: It is easier to stick to resolutions if you (and your team) know exactly why you need to do it. Tracking results is also a good way to stay motivated.
Domains.co.za is a South African website hosting provider and domain name registrar. Our products and solutions are ideally designed with startups and small to medium enterprises in mind.
Chantél Venter is a creative writer, strategic thinker, and a serious gesticulator. She’s passionate about storytelling, small businesses and bringing color to the world – be it through her words or wardrobe.
She holds a four-year degree in Business and Mass Media Communication and Journalism. She’s been a copywriter and editor for the technology, insurance and architecture industries since 2007 and believes anybody can run a small business successfully. She therefore enjoys finding and sharing the best and most practical tips for this purpose.