Category: Domain Tips

7 Ways to Save your Start-up Money in 2022

Uncertain times have always been a catalyst for opportunity. Changes in consumer behaviour, and their adjusted needs, spur new business ideas.  Never has there been a better time to turn an idea into a start-up, than now. Irrespective of how great your idea is and how many investors you have at the ready, it is always a good idea to cut costs and keep overheads as low as possible while you grow your business.   Here are some ideas to save during the year ahead: 1. Ask: Do you really need an office yet? Part of the excitement of starting your own thing is moving into that dedicated office space where ideas will surely flow naturally…An office makes a business look and feel professional, but on the flip side it […]

Our Top 10 Small Business Trends for 2022

The small businesses that have survived the initial shock of Covid-19 and its effects on trade, services, manufacture, etc., and that have successfully adapted, will come into 2022 with their ‘guns blazing’. That’s because after nearly two years of “uncertainty” there is some normalcy in the ‘abnormalcy’. Now, at least, business owners know more or less what to expect, and can be better prepared. Here’s what we do know: Consumers spend more time at home browsing the internet and shopping via mobile devices and they want to feel important. Based on this, and everything else the past two years has taught us, these are the 10 things we think will stand out in the year ahead.   […]

Get your New Website Indexed by Google & Bing – Step-by step Guide

Search Engines e.g. Google and Bing, use web crawlers (also known as spiders, or spiderbots). This is software technology that crawls the entire World Wide Web daily, finding new hyperlinks and indexing new content. When search engines index website content, it means that content gets added to their gigantic database. If a website has not been indexed by a Search Engine (SE), it won’t rank on organic searches, because they are unaware of the site’s existence. The SE bots will eventually crawl your website and index it, however, this can take weeks. Every new website owner is excited to get their website live asap and they want it to be seen in search results. Manually submitting a website to a Search Engine can sp […]

Top On-page SEO Factors to Include when Building your Website

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is a term that refers to the online tools that a company can implement to assist in increasing its organic (unpaid) ranking on search engines. The purpose of SEO is to help increase your website’s online visibility and attract customers. SEO is divided into three categories: On-page SEO – what can be implemented on the website itself. Off-site SEO – other aspects that you (or others) can do online that links to a page/s on your website, in other words building your credibility. Technical SEO – the items that your hosting company, or website building platform, that can contribute to, i.e. site speed (hosting), mobile readiness and domain trust. If you are using a website builder […]

Gearing up for Christmas Online — 3 Things To Do Right Now – Part 2

By now your Christmas campaigns are already running or lying in wait for the Black Friday hype to die down. In the first part of this series we looked at strategy marketing and ways to build an email marketing list. As there is still enough time, let’s tackle some of the details of your campaign – its tinsel, if you will. Ultimately, if you (and your team) aren’t really excited about your Christmas specials, you’ll have trouble enticing anyone else. So, get psyched! If you haven’t done so already, start thinking about the following 3 things: 1.Packaging This depends entirely on what you sell and how many sales you are expecting this season. Be creative and resourceful. While it is great to design […]

eCommerce Tips & Tricks for Black Friday & Cyber Monday

Tips and tricks for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the two American-named, major shopping days that have in recent years grown in popularity in South Africa. In fact, many SA stores are now making an entire weekend of it. This year, Black Friday will take place on the 26th of November and Cyber Monday on the 29th. Shoppers can expect to pick up incredible deals in-store and online respectively. Did you know that in-store sales dropped by 30% last year, but the increase in eCommerce jumped by 60%? Is your eCommerce store ready?   Increase visibility and boost sales with Tips & Tricks for Black Friday & Cyber Monday     1. Sweeten the deal more to stand-out   Competition will be manic this year, as customer […]

10 Cyber Security Tips for Businesses & WFH Employees

It’s National Cyber Security Awareness Month but in truth, recognition of this growing hazard should take precedence every day. South Africa experiences the third highest number of cybercrime attacks in the world, suffering 577 malware attacks every hour. Companies need to intensify their defence strategies. Unfortunately, with most of the attacks focussed on employees, a company’s mitigation protocols are only as strong as their ‘weakest’ link. Here are our top 10 cyber security tips to protect your business and your remote workforce from the digital age’s biggest threat! Cyber Security Tips for Businesses 1. Create and implement a cyber security strategy for in-house and remote-working employee […]

Why Prioritising Cyber Security is Critical to Your Business

Cyber Security is non-negotiable! Cyber-attacks can affect businesses and individuals in a professional, or personal capacity, with disastrous consequences. While October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, the seriousness of cyber-crime should always take precedence; particularly in companies where a ‘work-from-anywhere’ culture is the order of the day. Did you know? Malware – It has been estimated, that South African businesses suffer 577 malware attacks every hour via online communications. Malware is malicious software such as a virus, worm, spyware, ransomware etc., which are designed to steal information and disrupt or damage a network. Phishing & Social Engineering – A Mimecast report fo […]

Gearing up for Christmas Online — 3 Things to Do Right Now – Part1

When it comes to Christmas, there is no such thing as starting too early. Brick and mortar shops are getting the decorations out, why shouldn’t online stores follow suit? Gearing up for Christmas means you can better prepare your business for the “silly season” and be one of the first online stores to grab the attention of your specific Christmas shopping market. In retail, Black Friday and Cyber Monday warm up shoppers for the grand finale of the year: Christmas, which is traditionally the busiest and most revenue-generating time of the year. That means everyone with something to sell will be “bringing it” and doing it sooner rather than later. Are you ready?   3 Things to Do Right Now: 1. […]

Cultivating a Culture of Entrepreneurship in South Africa

The unemployment rate in South Africa is currently at a staggering 34.4%. That’s 7.826-million people without jobs. First-world, developed countries that do not have this problem, also have something else we do not have – many entrepreneurs. Why is there such a shortage of entrepreneurs in this country? Could it be that we aren’t encouraging or rewarding entrepreneurial thinking enough? The pandemic may have clipped the wings of many start-ups, but it has also seen many innovators coming to the fore.   Why we need to cultivate a culture of entrepreneurship in SA: 1. It creates jobs and assists in growing the economy Let’s look at the most obvious benefit first. Entrepreneurs create businesses and businesses essent […]

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