How to Jumpstart your eCommerce Business this year

Now is the time for eCommerce. In the year ahead eCommerce is expected to increase by 10.4%, which means if you had an online shop in mind, there is no better time than the present to jumpstart it with these Top Tips.


1. Provide the best in service
2. Use social media to get noticed
3. Focus on keeping the clients you have
4. Keep your eCommerce site sticky
5. Evolve

1. Provide the Best in Service

It’s official, Artificial Intelligence is everywhere and yes, it can be extremely beneficial. Do use it to streamline stock levels, send notification emails to customers and manage the normal administrative side of online shopping. But don’t allow it to replace that personal touch customers are looking for. If you make them feel like just another customer, they will think about you as just another company. Make it personal!

2. Use Social Media to get noticed

Social media is an excellent tool to boost awareness for your eCommerce website. Make use of the following tools as best as possible:

  1. Influencers – Partner with an influencer or micro-influencer. The right influencers will have thousands of followers that resemble your ideal target audience. Influencers show their following how to use your product practically, helping your brand reach more people.
  2. Reviews – New online stores need to build trust to be successful online. Help your potential customers trust you by asking for previous clients for reviews and testimonials.
  3. Consumer content – Consumer content, is created by your customers tagging you e.g., while wearing a product they bought from your store. This type of content is incredible word-of-mouth marketing. Don’t be shy to ask people to kindly tag you.

3. Focus on Keeping the Clients you have

A whole lot of time, energy and budgets go into attracting customers. But what then? What happens to your customers after they have made a purchase? Employ a strategy that can help you build loyalty.

Ideas: Add customers to an email marketing series that helps to cross-market some of your other products or share tutorials on how to use the product they bought. When you launch a new product or service, let your customers be the first to know and include a promotional discount code for them if you can.

4. Keep your eCommerce site Sticky

The more reason you give your customers to visit your site the better it is for your business. Launching new products and sales are a great way to do this, but it is not the only way… Content is!

Create different types of content (videos, blogs, infographics, reels etc.) for social media and your website highlighting what you sell and how to use it in different ways.

5. Evolve

Running a successful eCommerce website requires a whole lot of research and looking into consumer trends and customer surveys to ensure that you can bring your customers what they want today and tomorrow. Think ahead and plan.

Closing: If you have products to sell, sell them online. It is a great avenue to help you spread your footprint nationally. Stay on the cusp of trends to ensure that you know what your customers want and can offer it to them via a simple and user-friendly eCommerce website.

Top Tip: can help you sell online via its website building solution called Sitebuilder Pro package. Its drag & drop eCommerce plugins and payment gateways can help you look professional and sell quickly, easily, and cost-effectively.


  1. Use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to simplify administration, but don’t forget that personal touch.
  2. Don’t be so focussed on getting new customers that you alienate current customers.
  3. User-experience is everything! Confused shoppers will leave!

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