7 Ways as to how Hosted PBX in the Cloud by Domains.co.za will Add Value to your SME

Switching from a traditional PABX telephone system to a Hosted PBX in the Cloud by Domains.co.za is not only quick, easy, and affordable, but it also unlocks a variety of other business-crucial benefits for SMEs in SA. Hosted PBX in the Cloud, also referred to as Cloud-based PABX, is essentially the making and taking of calls over the internet, with the ability to transfer to other extensions. A huge misconception is that Hosted PBX is only suitable for large organisations because it is too expensive and difficult to implement. This is completely false, of course; any size company with a team to manage and customers to support, can and should have Cloud-based PBX. Truth be told, no two Cloud-based PBX solutions currently on t […]

Domains.co.za Launches the Perfect UnCapped VoIP PBX Solution for Small Business

Domains.co.za is proud to launch their latest innovative product for the SME market: Cloud based VoIP PBX, Powered by 3CX with UnCapped Calling* Powered by VOX Voice. This solution is set to change the telephony industry within the South African SME market forever! Boost your business’ communications with this fully managed, Cloud-based, PBX phone system with its world-leading; 3CX software, VOX carrier-grade Voice and Uncapped local and cell phone calls. SME businesses across SA have had to face many challenges over the past 15 months. These range from load-shedding, copper cable thefts and remote working due to lockdown, causing complications with traditional PABX systems. At Domains.co.za, we do not believe making an […]

7 Ways to Keep Website Visitors interested

The purpose of a business website is to ‘educate’ the site’s visitors and turn them into customers… ideally returning ones. The problem according to Google however, is that 90% of website visitors are easily distracted. So, how can your website keep your visitors’ attention long enough to make a lasting impact? By creating a website that is not only easy on the eyes but engaging as well. Try these tips to increase average visitor sessions, improve your site’s credibility and enhance the chances of a return.   1. Live Chat Live Chat is rapidly increasing in popularity. Statistics show that over the course of the next year this form of add-in software will grow by 87%. People prefer hav […]

Site Builder — Website Content Tips to Improve the Success of Your Site

Site Builder is Domains.co.za’s website builder. It assists in creating a professional website easily; and is as simple as “dragging” and “dropping” plugins to work with your content and images. This solution makes it easy and affordable to get a professional website online quickly and easily with well-designed templates for you to add your information and images to. Bear in mind that your website content has to fulfil two purposes. Firstly, it must convince visitors that your product, or service, is the way to go. Secondly, it has to be able to ‘talk’ to search engines, especially Google; so that it is indexed correctly. Therefore, mediocre website content will do more harm than good; so spend some time to do i […]

Why having a Mentor could be Essential for a New Business

What makes a business successful? There are many variables for this, but at its core a business’s success is predominantly dependent on the quality of the leader behind the steering wheel. While degrees, books, real life experiences, challenges, family, friends, failures and accomplishments all contribute to the making of a great “boss”, there is one essential facet that is often overlooked: A mentor. In light of Youth Month, we would like to unpack the role a mentor can play for start-ups.   What is a mentor?   A mentor is someone with more business experience than yourself. It is someone with whom you get along, can build a long-term relationship with and someone you respect and admire. A mentor is not […]

5 Online Trends Your SME Should Know About & Follow

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the adoption of online transacting in South Africa gained considerable traction. In fact, according to Statista there are now 38.13 million active internet users in the country.  Each of these users are using online to work, research products and prices, check social platforms, or buy items for home delivery. Whatever your SME is selling, start rethinking what you are doing online ASAP. If you are not prioritising these online trends just yet now is the time to do so. It is never too late to re-strategise your business’s plan of action.   Online Trend 1: Search Engine Optimisation Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is not only still very relevant, it’s constantly i […]

How to Diversify your Small Business for Growth and Not just Survival

“It is not a failure to readjust my sails to fit the waters I find myself in.” ― Mackenzi Lee  Life changed, literally overnight for everybody worldwide. The pandemic has changed habits and adapted the way humans think about everyday things like going to the shops or interacting with a service provider. It would therefore be naive to think that companies would survive this pandemic unscathed. As the adage goes: Adapt or die; however, there is an alternative: Adapt and GROW!  Traditionally, businesses diversify in order to grow which we all agree with. Survival-mode is temporary, while the pandemic’s impact on human behaviour could actually be long lasting. It’s time to rethink the way we do […]

New TLDs like .Tech help Setup Start-ups for Online Success

New Top Level Domains (TLDs) such as .tech are raising the bar for those start-ups and SMEs who are wanting to stand out online. How better to state your business’ involvement in a particular industry, than having it prominently displayed in the domain extension? As businesses within the technology industry rethink their current, or future domain names, .tech is the perfect shining diamond to attract attention. Read our top 5 reasons why .Tech is the right domain for your business below:   1. .Tech is marketable   .Tech is short and sweet, easy to recall and it has a nice ring to it. With the traditional .co.za or .com domain extensions, technological companies had various marketing limitations in the recent p […]

How to Attract Repeat Customers to your eCommerce Store

“Get an eCommerce store”, they said. “It will be fun”, they said. But the truth is, more like most of the things in life that are actually worth doing, it is hard work. So, you’ve got a great eCommerce website, you are selling quality goods at reasonable prices, and you are using good marketing strategies to keep your business visible… but, why are you still spending a lot of time (and money) on customer acquisition and your customer retention doesn’t seem successful yet? Repeat customers are loyal customers, you can gain a wealth of insights from them; plus, they will do free word-of-mouth-marketing for your brand. They are your business lifeline!   Here are our top tips to hel […]

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