2021 Business Trends

Did 2020 turn out like you anticipated 12 months ago? Saying “no” to this would be a gross understatement. Businesses everywhere were forced to change overnight in order to survive, and sadly some did not make it through. Insights after the first COVID-19 wave and foresights into the second, could perhaps allow us to better prepare for the year ahead.   Here’s what businesses across the world will be moving to the top of their agenda going forward:   1. WFH By now, many corporate companies have made Remote Working work for them. Realising that this could perhaps be a requirement for a few months if not years to come, these companies could be relooking the ‘traditional’ office space. Was […]

10 New Year Resolutions for Small Business Owners – Part 2

Small business owners have a lot on their plates. Often times the planning and prioritising of certain tasks will fall onto the backburner. However, in today’s economic circumstances it is essential to cover as much ground as possible. The upside though, is you don’t have to manage it all on your own. Delegate what you can to other members of your team or consider outsourcing.   Click here to read Part 1 of this article.   6. Join a cause If there is one thing Covid-19 has taught every individual and every company it is that we are all stronger together. Do something good for the local community. Join and support a worthy cause.   7. Communicate like a Master Good communication is effective in every […]

10 New Year Resolutions for Small Business Owners – Part 1

Running a small business is hard work. Every day brings forth pressing deadlines aimed at meeting the business’ immediate goals. But what about all those other to-dos? Setting New Year Resolutions forces small business owners to identify tasks that will be beneficial over the long-term. Creating this list is the first step to ensuring a better more successful future for your company.   Here are some resolutions we think might inspire your list:   1. Get a website or update your current page A website is incredibly important for the visibility and discoverability of your business. If you don’t have one, building one should be your most important resolution. Domains.co.za’s website building solution […]

How to be Productive Despite the Holidays

Do companies plan properly for times when resources (man, machine or material) run low? This year, it is safe to say that Lockdown regulations have literally forced every company in the world to adapt to functioning with fewer resources. As we head into the festive season, we look at how companies can better prepare for quieter periods and circumvent production or sales losses as a result.   1. Be proactive Vacation is good for employee energy, creativity and overall morale, which is why managers need to be aware of every school holiday and public holiday that could potentially leave the company short-staffed. In identifying “red” days on which productivity could be affected negatively, managers can plan an a […]

Why Local Hosting?

Is the website hosting that is powering your business’ website a priority of yours? Business owners have a lot to think about and hosting is generally the IT department, web developer or web designer’s “baby”. However, if your website’s performance is important to you, and we know it is, then so should your website hosting and its provider. Here’s what you can ask your relevant teams to ensure that your website performs optimally: • Do we have fast website hosting? • Is our website hosting reliable and secure? • Is our website hosting sufficient for the amount of visitors we receive and the content we display? • Is our website hosting company based in South Africa? &nbsp […]

Domains.co.za – Gadgets Picks for Christmas – Part 2

After a year like this one, everyone deserves a spoil. Here’s our second installment of the top gadgets we’d love to see under the Christmas tree. Missed the first part? Click here.   Xbox Series X   Xbox has just released its fastest and most powerful series yet. The Xbox Series X offers 4K gaming at 120 frames per second 8K HDR. It also boasts Xbox Velocity Architecture and 3D Spatial Audio for larger-than-life immersive gaming.   Samsung 49-inch Super Ultra-Wide Curved Gaming Monitor   Avid gamers will love the Samsung 49-inch curved gaming monitor. It is huge! Its HDR, metal Quantum Dot and QLED means you can experience the latest in colour technology. It is like having 2 x 27 inch 16:9 mon […]

How to attract more traffic to your eCommerce store this festive season

As we head into the festive season, it’s an important time to ramp up marketing initiatives to ensure that your eCommerce store stands out online. In a Covid-19-reality, there will be less feet hitting the shop floors and probably smaller Christmas shopping budgets as well. Yet now, more than ever, it is eCommerce’s time to shine. Make your website “sticky” this Christmas with our top 7 tips to attract more traffic. But before we jump in, we would like to mention two very website must-haves: • mobile responsiveness; • and fast, secure & reliable web hosting. If the above two factors are not in place, any efforts you make could fail, as online shoppers expect nothing less.   1. Provide Gr […]

Domains.co.za – Gadget Picks for Christmas – Part 1

It is hard to believe, but Christmas is almost right around the corner; visiting your nearest mall will confirm this, as the decor is already up! That’s why we thought it is a great time to share our favourite, most innovative, 2020 gadget-picks.    Whether you are staying home or heading out for the December holidays, here are a few practical gadgets that will either entertain you or simplify your life.     1. Nintendo Switch Not a fan of the kids hogging the television for their noisy games? Let’s talk about the Nintendo Switch. This home console can entertain the kids literally anywhere and doesn’t need a TV in order […]

Header Text - How to Start a Business on a Budget… Must Haves

How to Start a Business on a Budget… Must Haves

Having your own business can be hard but can also be very cool. When you start a business, it is not an easy endeavour, but you can work the hours you want and do the things you love. Contrary to popular belief not all types of businesses need investments of hundreds of thousands of Rands before they hit the ground running. Some, particularly home-based sole proprietorships, can be started within a modest budget. If a large upfront cash flow problem was the only thing standing between you and your own startup… hesitate no more.  Here are some tips to start a business:1. Find a great idea2. Work from home (WFH)3. Keep it simple, start small4. Get online5. Market your bu […]

Is Your Small Business Ready for Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is a journey. It differs from company to company because your goals and challenges will dictate the technology you need. For the same reason it is not only about technology but also about the people. The benefits to you, your staff and ultimately your customers will navigate your business in the digital era. In 2020, digital transformation is well underway with large corporations allocating substantial budgets towards their digital investments. Organisations need to transform multiple departments and processes within their current infrastructure. Although transformation needs to be customised, take place over a lengthy period, and is usually expensive, the benefits far outweigh these challenges. By impl […]

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