How to attract more traffic to your eCommerce store this festive season

As we head into the festive season, it’s an important time to ramp up marketing initiatives to ensure that your eCommerce store stands out online. In a Covid-19-reality, there will be less feet hitting the shop floors and probably smaller Christmas shopping budgets as well. Yet now, more than ever, it is eCommerce’s time to shine. Make your website “sticky” this Christmas with our top 7 tips to attract more traffic. But before we jump in, we would like to mention two very website must-haves: • mobile responsiveness; • and fast, secure & reliable web hosting. If the above two factors are not in place, any efforts you make could fail, as online shoppers expect nothing less.   1. Provide Gr […] – Gadget Picks for Christmas – Part 1

It is hard to believe, but Christmas is almost right around the corner; visiting your nearest mall will confirm this, as the decor is already up! That’s why we thought it is a great time to share our favourite, most innovative, 2020 gadget-picks.    Whether you are staying home or heading out for the December holidays, here are a few practical gadgets that will either entertain you or simplify your life.     1. Nintendo Switch Not a fan of the kids hogging the television for their noisy games? Let’s talk about the Nintendo Switch. This home console can entertain the kids literally anywhere and doesn’t need a TV in order […]

How to Start a Business on a Budget… Must Haves

Having your own business can be hard but can also be very cool. You can work the hours you want and do the things you love. Contrary to popular belief not all types of businesses need investments of hundreds of thousands of Rands before they hit the ground running. Some, particularly home-based sole proprietorships, can be started within a modest budget. If a large upfront cash flow problem was the only thing standing between you and your own startup… hesitate no more.    Here are some tips to get you started:   1. Find a great idea The pi?ce de r?sistance of any successful business is a great idea. Consider your skills, the tools you have […]

Is Your Small Business Ready for Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation is a journey. It differs from company to company because your goals and challenges will dictate the technology you need. For the same reason it is not only about technology but also about the people. The benefits to you, your staff and ultimately your customers will navigate your business in the digital era. In 2020, digital transformation is well underway with large corporations allocating substantial budgets towards their digital investments. Organisations need to transform multiple departments and processes within their current infrastructure. Although transformation needs to be customised, take place over a lengthy period, and is usually expensive, the benefits far outweigh these challenges. By impl […]

Turning Obstacles into Opportunities — 10 Work from Home Ideas

A lot can happen over six months. During the first 4 levels of Lockdown many industries have shown agility in their “creative” responses; new ways of doing business have started and employees have adapted to the “new normal”. Unfortunately, there is the other side to this coin, where some industries have just been unable to survive, stores that have closed and employees that have been retrenched, or have had to take less than half their salaries in pay cuts.     What can you do if nobody is hiring in your industry sector and your prospects seem bleak? What may seem like an obstacle, m […]

12 Marketing Tips for your Tourism Business

As South Africa celebrates the Tourism industry as well as its Heritage during September, it seems fitting to shine a massive spotlight on local travel. Lockdown restrictions have severely impacted the growth of our tourism businesses. However, under Level 1, and going forward, companies within this industry can bring more travellers to their towns and cities by implementing smart and inexpensive marketing strategies.     Don’t wait for people to come, invite them!     Tips to get your tourism business noticed:    1. List, list, list  Visibility online is critical in getting the word out about what your tourism hotspot ha […]

SPAM ALERT — South Africa is under attack

Over the course of the past few weeks, has seen a dramatic increase in SPAM attacks on our servers. Internationally, many other hosting companies have reported the same problem. Fortunately, due to our multi-pronged, proactive approach with regards to malicious emails, we have been able to detect this surge early on and have implemented mitigation for it.   What does this mean for you? Don’t panic! A SPAM attack means you’ll perhaps see more emails in your SPAM folder and experience a slight time delay when sending or receiving mails. Malicious emails can only deploy a virus onto your computer after an action has been taken from your side. That is why it is so critical to remain vigilant when op […]

Email is not dying – it is Adapting and Becoming Smarter

With the numerous collaboration platforms and popular instant messaging apps on the market, it is easy to think that email could be on its way out… However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Email for business is still the primary communication tool as it’s global and convenient.   Depending on your mailbox provider, they are becoming faster and larger, and now have features like:  Automatically decluttering and organising your inbox   Snoozing non-urgent emails and allowing them to pop back as priority at a later stage   Allow you to sign email attachm […]

Pivot your Company for the Covid-19 eCommerce Boom

During the ‘pandemic’ eCommerce is booming! Prior to Covid-19, South African shoppers were generally ‘slower’ to adopt to online shopping. However, according to a Nielsen Study, The New Shopper Normal, the general buying behaviours of South Africans have changed. People are not buying in bulk anymore, but are preferring quick trips to the shops, or avoiding them altogether by switching to online shopping.  Recently, companies like Mobicred, FNB and released online sales statistics for the first half of the year. Online sales measured via these platforms increased arou […]

How to Make Working from Home, Work for You – Part 2

Working from home requires extra self-motivation and a whole lot of discipline. The ability to work remotely is something many employees need to acknowledge, as it is being labelled the “Future of Work”. In a Covid-19 world many of us are forced to make it work, but is it really working? In order to be productive, employees need to be happy and find a balance between what used to be “normal” and what could now be considered as such. To assist newbies of the #workfromhome lifestyle, our remote employees gave some guidance tips and tricks that have worked for them over the years. If you’ve missed the first installment, please click here.   Tip 7:   Communication is “King” […]

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