Category: Hosting

Uploading Files using FTP Voyager

This tutorial assumes you already have FTP Voyager running on your computer and are connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to upload or transfer a file to a remote server. 1. Select a few files you would like to upload from your Local Drive. To select multiple files, press CTRL on your keyboard. 2. Now click the Upload button. That’s it! The files have been uploaded to the remote server and can be seen here. Now let’s learn how to download a file. First let’s delete one of the files from our local computer that we previously uploaded. 3. Select changelog.txt and click the Delete button. The file has now been deleted. Let’s go ahead and download it. 4. Select changelog.txt from the Remote Server and click the Dow […]

Renaming database tables with phpMyAdmin

This tutorial assumes you’ve already logged in to phpMyAdmin Now let’s learn how to rename database tables Click the database table you wish to rename Then click the Operations button Enter a new name for the table here Then click Go That’s it! The information table has been renamed infotable, and is listed here This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to rename database tables using phpMyAdmin […]

How to Install Joomla from Softaculous

This demonstration will show you how to install Joomla from Softaculous. 1. Scroll down until you find it in the menu.2. Click Joomla from the list – You will be taken to the Overview page where you can view more information about this particular software.3. Click the Install tab. The next two boxes require a directory and database name, neither of which should exist on the server. If you have multiple domains associated with this account, you can select where to install it. 4. Under Site Settings, enter a Site Name and Description. These can be changed later on from the application’s admin panel. 5. Type the desired Admin Username and Password that should be used. Also, enter a Real Name that will be displayed and the Admi […]

How to Backup and Restore your Website in cPanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel: 1. Now let’s learn how to backup our website – in the Files section, click the Backup Wizard icon. This is the main backup screen where you can Backup, or Restore the files in your hosting account. 2. Click the Backup link 3. You have the option of only backing up a portion of your account… But we want to generate a full backup, so click Full Backup 4. Select the Destination for the backup, then click Generate Backup That’s it! We’ve just created a full backup to the home directory 6. To Download a copy of the backup to your computer, simply click it and Save it to your computer. That’s all there is to it! Restoring files is just as easy… 8. Click the Backup Wizard […]

Managing Files in FileZilla

This tutorial assumes you already have FileZilla running on your computer and are connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to manage files and folders in FileZilla. 1. Right click anywhere here in the Remote Server Window. 2. Click Create Directory.3. Click OK. 4. Now let’s Rename the folder. Right click on it. 5. Click Rename. 6. Let’s learn how to Delete. Right click on the folder name – click Delete. The directory was successfully deleted! Let’s learn how to change file permissions. 7. Right click on a file name – click File Permissions. 8. Select the proper permissions and click OK. That’s it! Permissions for the file have been successfully changed. This is the end of the tutorial. You should now know how to ma […]

Managing Files in FTP Voyager

This tutorial assumes you already have FTP Voyager running on your computer and are connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to manage files and folders in FTP Voyager. 1. Click the New Folder icon. 2. Enter a Name for the new folder here. That’s it! The new folder has been created and can be seen here. 3. Now let’s Rename the folder. Select the folder – click the Rename icon. 4. Enter the New Name of the folder. The folder has been renamed. 5. Now let’s delete the folder. Select the folder name – click the Delete icon. That’s it! The folder has been deleted. Now let’s learn how to change file permissions. 6. Select changelog.txt. 7. Click the Properties icon. 8. Now let’s Change some of the Permissions or Attrib […]

How to Find Softaculous in cPanel

Softaculous is an auto installer for cPanel and DirectAdmin that lets you quickly install a variety of web applications. These applications, also called scripts, make it easy for you to make the most of your web hosting account. Some of the categories of scripts that Softaculous lets you install; include Blogs, Portals & Content Management Systems, Forums, and E-Commerce. 1. Scroll down and click the Softaculous icon under the  Software / Services section, or use type in Softaculous in the Find field, as you type, cPanel will filter out anything that doesn’t match what you type. 2. Softaculous will open and you are now ready to begin installing applications on your server. […]

How to Install Drupal from Softaculous

Drupal is a content management system, so scroll down to the CMS group in the menu. 1. Click Drupal – This Overview page shows you information about the software before installing.2. Click Install. The default settings here should work for most purposes. If you have multiple domains on one account, you can select where to install. 3. The next two boxes let you set the directory and database name which will be created upon installation. 4. You can set the Site Name here. This can be changed later from the Admin Panel of the software. 5. Enter the Admin Username, Password and Email. 6. Click Install. After a moment, the software will be installed. 4. Use this link to view your newly installed application. Here is our new CMS, […]

How to Use File Manager in cPanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to use File Manager 1. Click the File Manager icon under the Files section 2. Choose the directory you wish to open, then click Go 3. This is the File Manager interface, where you can upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and a host of other functions On the left is a collapsible list of folders in your account… … while on the right is a list of all files and folders within the folder selected on the left 4. It is in the public_html folder where your website files (html pages, gif images, etc) must go 5. Use this function to upload files to your account, and set their permissions Creating a new folder is easy… … a […]

Configuring your Website in WinSCP

This tutorial assumes you already have WinSCP running on your computer, but have not connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to Configure our Website in WinSCP. 1. Enter the Server Address under Host name. 2. Keep the Port Number as it is, unless you know what you are doing. 3. Next, enter the User Name and Password. 4. Now let’s Save this session so we can access it again in the future without entering all the info again. 5. If you wish, you can check this option to Save Password so you don’t have to enter it again. 6. Here is our saved session. Let’s log in to the server by clicking Login. That’s it! We’ve successfully connected to our website via FTP, and the session is saved for future use. 7. Let’s go ahe […]

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