Category: Hosting

Uploading Files using Leap FTP

This tutorial assumes you already have Leap FTP running on your computer and are connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to upload or transfer a file to a remote server. 1. Select a few files you would like to upload from your Local Drive. To select multiple files, press CTRL on your keyboard. 2. Now right click on the selected files and click Upload. That’s it! The files have been uploaded to the remote server and can be seen here. Now let’s learn how to download a file. First let’s delete one of the files from our local computer that we previously uploaded. 3. Select changelog.txt and right click, then click Delete. The file has now been deleted. Let’s go ahead and download it. 4. Select changelog.txt from the […]

How to Install a Script using Softaculous

For the most part, all scripts in Softaculous install the same way with a few minor differences. 1. First, scroll down the list on the left until you find the script you want to install. 2. Let’s choose Textpattern. This first page shows you an overview of the software including a description and average user rating. If you decide this script doesn’t fit your needs, simply choose another one. 3. Go to the Features tab, where you can see a full list of the features this software has. 4. You can also view a Demo by clicking on the Demo tab before installing this software.5. When you are done looking at the demo, return to Softaculous. 6. Click Ratings to view the number of ratings this software has received and the average rati […]

How to Install phpBB from Softaculous

This demonstration will show you how to install phpBB from Softaculous. 1. Scroll down until you find phpBB in the list. 2. Select phpBB – You will be taken to the Overview page where you can view more information about this particular software. 3. Click the Install tab. If you have multiple domains associated with this account, you can select where to install it. 4. The next two boxes require a directory and database name, neither of which should exist on the server. 5. Under Site Settings, enter a Site Name, Description and Board Email. These can be changed later on from the application’s admin panel. 6. Type the desired Admin Username and Password that should be used. Also, enter the Admin’s Email. In most cases, the defa […]

How to Create Additional FTP Accounts in cPanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to setup additional FTP accounts 1. Click the FTP Accounts icon under the Files section. This is where you manage your FTP accounts 2. To create a new FTP account, enter a New Login here… 3. … then enter and confirm a Password for the new account 4. To give the user access to the entire website, you would delete everything except the forward slash “/” – if you leave /demouser in the directory box, then the user of this FTP account will only have access to the /demouser directory, and all folders under it 5. You can put a Quota Limit on this FTP account if you wish 6. When ready, click Create FTP AccountThat’s it! The new FTP account has been crea […]

Managing Files in WinSCP

This tutorial assumes you already have WinSCP running on your computer and are connected to a remote server. The first thing we’re going to do is create a new folder (or directory) on the remote server. Now let’s learn how to Manage Files and Folders in WinSCP. 1. Click Create Directory. 2. Type the Name of the new folder here, then click OK. That’s all there is to it. Now let’s rename this new folder… 3. Select the folder to be Renamed. 4. Click Rename. 5. Type the New Name of the folder here. 6. To Delete a folder (or file). Select Folder, then click Delete. The folder we just created has been deleted. 7. Now let’s learn how to change the Permissions of a file. Select changelog.txt. 8. Click properties. 9. To change t […]

Managing Files in Leap FTP

This tutorial assumes you already have Leap FTP running on your computer and are connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to manage files and folders in Leap FTP. 1. Right click anywhere in the remote server window. 2. Click Make Directory. 3. Enter a Name for the new folder here. Unlike other FTP managers, Leap FTP takes you into the new folder directly when you create one. Let’s navigate out of it by clicking this icon. That’s it! The new folder has been created and can be seen here. 4. Now let’s Rename the folder – right click the folder. 5. Click Rename.6. Enter the New Name of the folder. The folder has been renamed. 7. Now let’s Delete the folder – right click the folder name – click Delete. That’s it! The f […]

How to Import a Script into Softaculous

If you already have one of the scripts in Softaculous installed, you can import it so it can be managed within Softaculous. 1. Go to the script you want to import, in this case WordPress.2. Click the Import tab. 3. If you have multiple domains, select the one where this software is already installed. 4. Type the directory under the domain where the software is installed.5. Click Import. After a moment, the software will be imported. 6. Click this link to view your newly imported site. That’s it! You now know how to import scripts into Softaculous. […]

How to Install MyBB from Softaculous

Let’s see how to install MyBB in Softaculous. 1. Scroll down until you find it in the menu.2. Click MyBB – This Overview page shows you information about the software before installing.3. Click Install. The default settings here should work for most purposes. If you have multiple domains on one account, you can select where to install. 4. The next two boxes let you set the directory and database name which will be created upon installation. 5. You can set the Site Name, Board Name and Board Email here. These can be changed later from the admin panel of the software. 6. Enter the Admin Username, Password and Email. 7. Click Install. After a moment, the software will be installed. 8. To view your new site, click the Installati […]

How to View your Website Stats in cPanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel Now let’s learn how to view our website stats 1. Click the Webalizer icon under the Logs section 2. Then click the View icon This is the main Webalizer page, from where you can access visitor stats broken down e.g. Summary per Month. … and within that month you can, for example, view the Hourly Stats Instead of using Webalizer, you can view the Analog Stats (click the icon under Logs section) 3. Analog stats displays per month – click on a month to view its stats. From the General Summary page you can view usage stats in multiple ways. Another option is to download the Raw Access Logs (click the icon under Logs section) Downloading these logs will allow you to analyze t […]

Configuring your Website in CuteFTP

This tutorial assumes you already have CuteFTP running on your computer, but have not connected to a remote server. Now let’s learn how to configure your website in CuteFTP, select the Site Manager. 1. Right click General FTP Sites. 2. Hover over New. 3. Click Folder. You can create a folder to save your particular websites’ logins. This is useful, for example, when you want to keep work and personal websites separate. 4. Enter a name for the New Folder. 5. Now let’s configure a new site inside this new folder. Right click the demosites folder name. 6. Hover over New and click FTP site. 7. Enter a Name or Label for this new site (this is for your reference only) 8. Enter the Host address. If your domain name has not […]

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