How to Change Softaculous Settings and Email Settings

This tutorial will show you how to change the Settings and Email Settings in Softaculous.

1. Click the Tools icon.

2. Under User Settings you can set your preferred Language, Collapse (or Expand) all the menus at the left, and set your Timezone.

Change Settings - Softaculous - User Settings

3. When you are done, click Edit Settings.

Change Settings - Softaculous - User Settings Changed

4. Let’s see how to change email settings – click the Mail icon.

5. Under Email Settings, you can change the Email Address where mail will be sent to.

Change Email Settings - Softaculous - Email Settings

6. Installation Emails – leave this box checked to send an email containing setup details when a script is installed.

7. Remove Installations – leave this box checked to send an email when a software is removed.

8. Click Edit Email Settings.

Change Email Settings - Softaculous - Email Settings Changed

That’s it! You now know how to edit settings and email settings in Softaculous.

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