Before continuing, please ensure that you have a valid/active SSL Certificate installed on your Hosting package.
There are two methods listed below to load your website as https://, which will load a secure padlock on your website URL.
Should you have a WordPress site, please refer to Method 1 and then Method 2.
Method 1:
1. Login to cPanel
2. Select File Manager
3. Select Settings ensure that ‘Show Hidden Files (dotfiles)‘ is ticked, if not please tick and Save.
4. Go to the website’s public_html directory
5. Edit the existing .htaccess file by right clicking on it or click + File and create an .htaccess file and then right click on it.
6. Add the following text:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
7. Click Save Changes (top right)
Your website should now load as https:// be default. If you cannot see it, please clear out all browsers cache.
Method 21:
Should you have WordPress and have enabled the .htaccess rule (as per Method 1 above), you may still find that the secure padlock icon is still not displaying.
This is due to WordPress having a tendency to load all uploads such as images as http:// instead of https://.
WordPress does have Plugins that can resolve this issue (e.g. Really Simple SSL).