How to Use File Manager in cPanel

This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel

Now let’s learn how to use File Manager

1. Click the File Manager icon under the Files section

2. Choose the directory you wish to open, then click Go

File Manager - cPanel - Directory Selection

3. This is the File Manager interface, where you can upload files to your account, delete files, change file permissions, and a host of other functions

File Manager - cPanel - File Manager Settings

On the left is a collapsible list of folders in your account…

… while on the right is a list of all files and folders within the folder selected on the left

4. It is in the public_html folder where your website files (html pages, gif images, etc) must go

File Manager - cPanel - Public HTML Folder

5. Use this function to upload files to your account, and set their permissions

File Manager - cPanel - Upload Files

Creating a new folder is easy…

File Manager - cPanel - Create a New Folder

… as is creating a new file

File Manager - cPanel - Create a New File

You can also use File Manager to change the permissions of files or folders

File Manager - cPanel - Change Permission

Basically, File Manager makes it easy to manage the files and folders in your account, when you don’t have access to an FTP application

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use File Manager in cPanel

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