This demo assumes you’ve already logged in to cPanel
Now let’s learn how to view our website stats
1. Click the Webalizer icon under the Logs section
2. Then click the View icon
This is the main Webalizer page, from where you can access visitor stats broken down e.g. Summary per Month.
… and within that month you can, for example, view the Hourly Stats
Instead of using Webalizer, you can view the Analog Stats (click the icon under Logs section)
3. Analog stats displays per month – click on a month to view its stats.
From the General Summary page you can view usage stats in multiple ways.
Another option is to download the Raw Access Logs (click the icon under Logs section)
Downloading these logs will allow you to analyze the usage data with your own data analysis application
4. Click the domain to start the download
5. Click Save File, then click OK
That’s it! The raw data has been saved to our computer
This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to access your website statistics, and download the raw access logs for later analysis