Managing Files in WS FTP

This tutorial assumes you already have WS_FTP running on your computer and are connected to a remote server.

Now let’s learn how to manage files and folders in WS_FTP.

1. Click New Folder.

2. Enter a Name for the new folder.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - Create Directory

That’s it! The new folder has been created and can be seen here.

3. Now let’s Rename the folder. Select the folder.

4. Click Rename.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - Rename Folder

5. Then enter the New Name of the folder.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - New Folder Name

The folder has been renamed.

6. Now let’s delete the folder. Select the folder name, then click Delete.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - Delete Folder

That’s it! The folder has been deleted. Now let’s learn how to change file permissions.

7. Right click the file changelog.txt.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - Changelog

8. Right click and at the bottom of the menu, choose Properties.

9. Now let’s change some of the permissions or attributes of this file.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - Changelof Properties

That’s it! Permissions for the file have been successfully changed.

Managing Files - WS_FTP - Permissions Changed

This is the end of the tutorial. You should now know how to manage your files and folders in WS_FTP, including creating new folders, renaming them, deleting them and changing file permissions.

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