How to Setup cPanel in your WHMCS as a Reseller

1. Login to our Client Login and select Manage Account > Reseller Hosting > WHM Login

Setup cPanel in WHMCS as Reseller - Domains Reseller Hosting

2. Navigate to Clusters > Remote Access Key > Setup Remote Access Key and copy the Access Key displayed in the box.

Setup cPanel in WHMCS as Reseller - Manage API Keys

3. Login to your WHMCS Admin Area and Navigate to Settings > System Settings > Servers and click on Add New Server
   * if you do not have a server group configured, create one.

4. You will be presented with the following screen where the server details need to be entered.

    Name: This is your choosen name for the server.

    Hostname: This is the hostname of the server.

    IP Address: This is the IP Address assigned to your account in the Reseller Welcome Email.

    Assigned IP Addresses: The same as above, unless you have been given additional dedicated IP addresses.

    Monthly Cost: You can enter your monthly cost for the server.

    Maximum No of Accounts: This is the amount of accounts your Reseller account is limited too.

    Primary Nameserver:

    Secondary Nameserver:

    Type: CPanel or CPanelExtended

    Username: Your Reseller Username

    Password: Leave Blank

    Access Hash: This is the Remote Access Hash which is copied in step 2.

    Secure: Tick this box

Setup cPanel in WHMCS as Reseller - Setup cPanel Settings

5. Click on the Save button when you are done. You can now configure your Hosting Packages to utilize your Reseller Account.

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