Register DomainsRegister your perfect domain today.
It’s quick and easy.AI Domain Name GeneratorCreate your perfect Domain Name today.Transfer DomainsTransfer your domains to us in a few easy steps.Whois SearchView the whois information on a domain name.Bulk Domain RegistrationsRegister and check the availability of multiple domains at once.Bulk Domain TransferMove multiple domains to us quickly and easily.Whois PrivacyProtect your personal information. -
Web HostingcPanel Web Hosting from R99/moEmail Only HostingEasy setup, automated updates & backupsManaged cPanel HostingManaged cPanel Virtual Machines from R2899/moVPS HostingUltraFast VPS Hosting from R159/moSite BuilderCreate your stunning website, it's fast and easy
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Domain Validated SSLDomain Validated SSL CertificatesOrganization Validated SSLOrganization Validated SSL CertificatesAnti-VirusOnline safety using ESET
Domain ResellerResell Domains on our platform From R76 per domainWeb Hosting ResellerReseller Web Hosting on SSD Hosting Servers From R399/mo
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Register Domains
Register your perfect domain today.
It’s quick and easy.
It’s quick and easy.
AI Domain Name Generator
Create your perfect Domain Name today.
Transfer Domains
Transfer your domains to us in a few easy steps.
Whois Search
View the whois information on a domain name.
Bulk Domain Registrations
Register and check the availability of multiple domains at once.
Bulk Domain Transfer
Move multiple domains to us quickly and easily.
Whois Privacy
Protect your personal information.
Web Hosting
cPanel Web Hosting from R99/mo
Email Only Hosting
Easy setup, automated updates & backups
Managed cPanel Hosting
Managed cPanel Virtual Machines from R2899/mo
VPS Hosting
UltraFast VPS Hosting from R159/mo
Site Builder
Create your stunning website, it's fast and easy
Domain Validated SSL
Domain Validated SSL Certificates
Organization Validated SSL
Organization Validated SSL Certificates
Online safety using ESET
Domain Reseller
Resell Domains on our platform From R76 per domain
Web Hosting Reseller
Reseller Web Hosting on SSD Hosting Servers From R399/mo
Open a Ticket
Log a support or billing enquiry with one of our departments.
011 640 9700
Need Help? Give us a call
About Us
Information about Domains.co.za
Check out our extensive Knowledge Base for help.
Network Status
Just to check everything is hunky dory
View the organisations and registries we are accredited with
View insights into the latest scoops
Two-Factor Verification
Open Ticket
In order to make domains.co.za an affordable product, we have limited the amount of support required by creating a very comprehensive knowledgebase. Please ensure that you have checked through the domains.co.za knowledgebase prior to submitting a query via a support ticket. Should you have not found a solution to your query, then a ticket may be submitted to the appropriate department, as referenced below.