How to do SEO for your Site Builder Website

Here is how to apply SEO to your Site Builder website:

1. Make use of high-quality, relevant and unique Content (copy, video, images, infographics, etc.)

2. Write significant Title Tags. The title tag, also known as the meta title tag, is the HTML code headline for a page.

– Write a 50–60 character description that best describes, or summarises, that particular page and its content.
– Use one or two keywords that are in the webpage text itself, be cautious and don’t overdo it, as it may have an adverse effect.

3. Create a sensible URL structure for your website, that can clearly define the page and it’s content: e.g. and do not use numbers and characters that make no sense.

4. Use Image Alt Text and write a descriptive, yet brief, summary about every image you upload. Try and include a keyword and if there is text on the image include that too.

5. Use Keywords by identifying 4-5 relevant keywords per product/service and use them where they will fit naturally into your page’s content.

6. Write a Meta Description for each page that is relevant to the information on that specific page, to highlight the best information and most relevant keyword/s – keep it within 160 characters including spaces.


Remember: Google and other search engines create algorithms in a way that promotes authenticity and benefits the end user above all else. If your website creates a pleasurable environment where customers feel safe, are easily able to find good quality content, without confusion, then Google’s algorithms will pick up on this. Get the basic On-page SEO right first and then build on other SEO factors from there.

Read a more in-depth article on On-page SEO here.

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